
1st May was Pat Field’s birthday. All staff signed a card and sang happy birthday,, as she blew out the candles on her cake.

As this week is National Gardening Week, residents enjoyed the garden whilst completing today’s garden activity pack.

We planted sunflower seeds to see who can grow the tallest sunflower!

Residents also planted cress seeds ready to make egg and cress sandwiches in a few weeks time.

Robert Field celebrating his birthday, what a lovely cake!

We also enjoyed the company of the Sangate Singers, a local choir group in Petworth who came to sing to (and with) the residents. Everyone enjoyed a lovely atmosphere.

Amberley Museum Outreach team came to visit our residents with their Everyday Invention reminiscing box.

Residents took part in a Grand National sweepstake. We did a sweep stake on each floor, where residents pulled a runners name from the hat.  1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes of a large chocolate bar were awarded.

We recently planted seeds which have now been transplanted into their raised tubs in the new vegetable garden, June planted strawberry and raspberry plants into the new planters we purchased from our Easter raffle money.

A busy week at Rotherlea!

We would like too send a huge thank you to June Page and her family for kindly donating 8 raised planters and the compost to fill them. 

This will be a great addition to our residents gardening area.

Residents planting tomato, cucumber, radishes and spring onion seeds ready to go in the new greenhouse.

During our monthly residents meetings, residents have said they would like to do some gardening.  After discussing this with our Manager Dan and deputy Jo, we have chosen one of our courtyard gardens to become the vegetable growing area. Residents can then plant the seeds they would like to grow, nurture them and then have the produce in their meals.

We have had some new gardening equipment donated, gardening gloves, kneeling pads, hand trowels and forks, watering cans, potato grow bags,  seed trays and pots,  soil tray and scoops, a pop up greenhouse and a ketor storage box, and a few seeds to get us started.

We are now holding an Easter raffle to raise money to purchase some raised beds for the residents to grow their vegetables in.

Amberley museum outreach teach came with their communications reminiscence box, for residents to enjoy.  Residents enjoyed talking about their memories of these items.

We want to wish David Isted a very happy birthday! He celebrated on the 22nd February with lots of cake.

Rotherlea residents getting into the Spring spirit, planting Tete a Tete bulbs for their rooms and lounges.

Team leader Tanya with June and Sandra feeding the birds.

Residents celebrated Chinese New Year with a Chinese meal which they joined together in the 'Street' to enjoy.

Residents growing cress ready to make into sandwiches!

Ethnie Connor also celebrated her birthday recently. We all enjoyed a slice of cake!

Karen took Bronwyn to Aylings Garden Centre at Midhurst for coffee and to do some shopping.

Louise entertained us with songs that we all know and love and we all had a lovely time! We dressed up with scarfs and hats and when Louise threw us a balloon we could take the microphone and sing a verse. Residents loved the interaction.

Rotherlea residents enjoying a Burns Night meal together.

Ina Holland celebrating her birthday with a yummy cake!

Residents enjoying a game of golf! Valerie also enjoyed her birthday recently. 

Vera Wells and Robert Andrews celebrating their joint birthday on 28th December. Happy birthday to both!

Resident June enjoys gardening, and it is too wet to get outside at the moment, so June received a grow your own hyacinth bulb and watering can. Lauren our activities helped June to plant the bulb.

Residents at Rotherlea enjoyed their Christmas day. 

Each residents received a person cantered present. These ranged form art items, rugs with German shepherd dogs on,  planting hyacinths for rooms,  bright pink fluffy cushions, personalised mugs, clock weather stations to ten pin bowling games.

Residents from both floors joined together to enjoy their Christmas lunch in the Street with relatives joining them.

Archie came to visit residents and bought a game of pin the nose on the Snowman which staff and residents enjoyed.

Dan and Jo have finished decorating our Christmas tree, it looks wonderful! Everyone definitely feels festive now, thanks both.

Lord and lady Egremont who own The Leconfield Estate (Petworth House), again this year kindly donated a Christmas tree for our residents. Dan and Jo spent time today installing this and decorating it for the residents enjoyment.

Residents sweeping leaves and decorating Christmas Trees on units.

Eileen Budd enjoying her birthday with a card signed by staff and birthday cake.

Jodie came to sing and dance with residents, we all love having Jodie over to visit!

Sandra Thomas celebrated her birthday this week. She loved her cake and presents. Happy Birthday Sandra! 

Rotherlea Residents visited Pulborough Garden Centre for cake and coffee and to look at the Christmas displays.

Gfitness came to provide a fun fitness session for residents. Everyone could participate, as they were able to sit in their chairs to take part. Residents enjoyed the session and are looking forward to more!

It has been a busy week at Rotherlea so far...

It was Shirley Baker's birthday yesterday, and we enjoyed a cake to celebrate.

Mary enjoyed making her Christmas cards to send to friends and family.

Residents enjoying a game of bingo, and Albie came to visit everyone.

Whilst on a trip last week, Lauren and Karen purchased some pumpkins ready for pumpkin carving.

As this week is half term, Archie came to visit and help the residents carve their pumpkins ready for Halloween! Everyone had great fun choosing their designs and making their pumpkins come to life.

Maggie and Shirley also had a lovely day out shopping, with a McDonalds for lunch.

Archie popped in after school to have a game of Balloon Tennis with residents.

Residents enjoyed a visit from Amberley Museum with their Everyday Inventions box.

We enjoyed interacting with fellow residents to talk about memories of these items. Residents spent an hour handling artefacts from their past. Objects are chosen that are easy to handle and likely to stir memories.

Residents enjoyed a Mexican themed meal today!

Both Mary Bellotti and Derek Vance celebrated their birthdays recently. We hope you both enjoyed your yummy birthday cakes!

Residents enjoyed a craft day, decorating mugs, coasters, painting mini canvasses.

Happy birthday Nova, we hope you enjoyed your cake.

Today is world smile day, residents created their own smile badges and had fun with big smiles.

On October 1st we celebrated the joint birthdays of Peter Aburrow and Rita Jenkins, we hope you both loved your cakes. 

Residents enjoyed making pizzas to have for their supper.

Our lovely residents enjoyed a game of bingo recently with some yummy milkshakes!

Residents went to Littlehampton on Friday for fish and chips and they stopped at the pub for a drink on the way. All the residents came back saying what a lovely day they had.

Residents enjoying bar skittles with Nick. The winner was Gerry who won chocolate oranges, which she enjoyed with her coffee.

We hope you had a fantastic birthday Peggy!

The residents enjoyed a French-themed lunch at Rotherlea - Bon appetit!

Residents getting ready for their French themed meal on Wednesday by doing French activity packs, word search, mazes, and anagrams.

We had a lovely weekend at Rotherlea, celebrating John's birthday & some of our residents decided to help feed the birds.

4th September was Lucy Hood’s 100th birthday. Lucy received a card from King Charles and had her family in for lunch. Employees sang Happy Birthday and presented her with a special cake made by Will our chef.

Rotherlea held a Teddy Bear Picnic for residents, employees and their children. Everybody had a wonderful time!

Happy birthday Marion! We hope you enjoyed your lovely cake.

Residents had a fun filled day today playing lots of different games...

Jenga was a favourite! We also drew some lovely pictures.

Our lovely resident Grace celebrated her birthday with a yummy cake which was enjoyed by all. Happy Birthday Grace!

Archie came to visit today... as this weekend is Notting Hill Carnival, Archie helped residents to decorate their masks. Archie then played some games with residents, it has been a lovely and joyful afternoon. 

Residents enjoyed singing along with Debi who is a Country and Western singer. We all got up to have a dance!

Our residents had a great afternoon playing bingo!

June painting a mini canvass for her room. It looks beautiful! 

Residents making scratch art keyrings and enjoying a magnetic advert game!

Derick loves to play the piano... Mary wanted to watch.

As the weather was forecast to be sunny, we held a Summer Garden Party at lunchtime for residents.  All residents really enjoyed the event.

We have been busy recently at Rotherlea...

Residents enjoyed Hawaiian cocktail milkshakes, they were so yummy! We have also felt musical and played the piano creating some lovely tunes... 

We rounded up the week with a celebration for Mary West on her birthday. She loved blowing out her candles and we all enjoyed the cake afterwards. 

Happy Birthday Don! We hope you had a wonderful day. 

We all enjoyed doing some jigsaw puzzles this afternoon.

Ina enjoyed her trip up Petworth town! 

Happy birthday Dave! We hope you enjoyed your yummy cake. 

We welcomed the amazing Billy Fox to Rotherlea today. He entertained us all, it was such a good laugh! He got everyone up singing and dancing, thank you Billy for such a great time.

Today was Chocolate chip Cookie Day! We all had fun baking them....

Archie came to visit residents today as it’s school holidays, and his Mum Lauren, who does activities was making cookies with residents. His Auntie Chloe also came to  join in with all the fun! They also played games in the garden and activity room whilst they waited for the biscuits to cook.

Residents enjoying creating scratch art pictures and bookmarks.

1st August was Yorkshire day, Residents completed Yorkshire activity packs and decorated Yorkshire Rose biscuits to have with their cups of tea and coffee.

Happy birthday Iris! We hope you enjoyed your cake and our Happy Birthday sing song.

Residents decorating ceramic coaster for their tea/coffee cups to go on... aren't they pretty!

Jeanette loved her yummy birthday cake!

Residents at Rotherlea were up on their feet dancing and singing along with today's entertainer Jodie!

The Residents had a great time and always enjoy Jodie's musical visits.

Residents making wind chimes for the garden and their bedrooms!

We celebrated two birthdays recently at Rotherlea...

Happy Birthday Pat & Happy Birthday Gladys!

Residents decorating tennis racquet biscuits for Wimbledon.

Residents creating scratch art pictures & Ethnie enjoying the garden.

Today we played bird bingo and then went outside to enjoy our lovely garden.

Residents had a lovely time making rice krispie cakes.

We also enjoyed some velcro tennis as it is Wimbledon of course!

Elvis visited Rotherlea for a sing a long with residents. We also celebrated Pamela Nobes birthday!

Residents enjoying Horse racing with Nick as it’s Ascot Week.

Martin’s Birthday! Enjoying the sunny weather in the garden with other residents and sharing his cake. Clara and Jeanette also planting up tomato plants.

Rotherlea resiident, Tanya Prince, celebrated her 80th birthday

Rotherlea residents enjoying the sunshine at Ben Bow Pond, Midhurst today!

They all enjoyed the trip in the sunshine and feeding the Swans and Ducks!


The residents had a great afternoon enjoying music from Billy Fox

Residents at Rotherlea putting their artistic efforts in for todays activity painting session.


Rotherlea residents visiting Pulborough Garden Centre for a lovely coffee & cake amongst the beautiful flowers.


Residents at Rotherlea enjoyed their craft activity making Scratch Art Keyrings.

Residents enjoying their recent bingo session. 

Our manager Dan is getting married on the weekedn, so we had a singer in so staff and residents could wish Dan well for his wedding to fiancée Leann. All the best Dan!

Everyone had such a fun time celebrating 15 years of Rotherlea today! We also celebrated some Rotherlea Champions.

Residents enjoyed lots of yummy food and treats during our celebration for King Charles. 

We also celebrated Pat’s 90th birthday! Happy birthday Pat. 

Residents potting herbs up for use in our kitchen, we are also growing cress to use in sandwiches!

Residents planting sunflowers to see who can grow the tallest one.

Grand National Sweep Stake 2023, well done to all of our winners!

Residents enjoying their Easter Eggs this weekend and Caroloynne celebrated her birthday with a fabulous cake!

Our Easter raffle raised £107 towards our residents Christmas presents!

Jo the Deputy and Jill judging Easter Bonnet Competition,

1st – Tanya  - with newspaper in front of her

2nd – Jeanne- blue jumper

3rd- Mary purple ribbon on hat.

Units they were on won Chocolate orange Malteser bunnies! Well done to all.

Residents in the garden enjoying the lovely sunny weather. The Sandgate Singers also came to sing with residents today. We all had so much fun!

We celebrated a birthday recently here at Rotherlea. Happy Birthday Clara! Brian also enjoyed a lovely Spring walk.

Darius giving Norah her birthday cake. Happy birthday Norah!

Residents decorating tote bags for their belongings. We had so much fun doing this! Jeanette enjoyed a lovely walk. 

Weekly pamper morning at the hairdressers! Philip and staff enjoyed playing Giant Jenga.

Elsie being given her Birthday cake. Happy birthday Elsie!

Residents decorating gingerbread men to then enjoy with their tea or coffee.

Residents playing ball games, completing a picture quiz and Ina doing her jigsaw puzzle.

Monday pamper morning! All the ladies loved their nails. 

Residents playing catch games with giant beachballs.

Residents enjoying the interactive table.

Residents taking part in scrabble, interactive table, dancing, and jigsaws peg puzzles.

Residents at hairdressers, having a dance, doing puzzle.

Residents using the sensory packs and magnetic advert game. We also enjoyed doing jigsaw puzzles, word search activity packs and scrabble.

Residents enjoyed a sing a long with Elvis this week and we also had fun making pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. 

Residents enjoyed making pancakes this Pancake Day.

Residents enjoying the sunshine in the garden over the weekend.

Rotherlea residents enjoying Valentine's day. We had a lovely Valentine's lunch.

Residents at Rotherlea have enjoyed a game of bingo recently. 

Residents enjoying balloon tennis.

Residents playing the piano, and another doing a jigsaw. We also chose books from the mobile library and Eileen decorated a tote bag for herself.

Rotherlea residents enjoyed aqua art, whilst Lucy enjoyed a relax in the garden and Don spent time at the hairdressers.

Rotherlea residents have been busy recently. Philip enjoyed an activity pack, other residents enjoyed some painting and we also had a game of scrabble.

Birthday celebrations this week at Rotherlea!

We celebrated Ethnie and Ian's Birthday. Happy Birthday to you both!

Rotherlea residents have been busy recently! We have enjoyed a game of Toss Ball, throwing the ball into the hole or onto the Velcro dart board. We took part in a pamper morning and completed Big Garden Bird Watch activity packs.

Residents at Rotherlea enjoyed a lovey visit from Billy Fox entertainer with lots of singing and dancing!

Residents at Rotherlea painted some mini canvases for their rooms.

Rotherlea residents enjoyed a Chinese meal to celebrate the Chinese New Year!

Residents at Rotherlea all enjoyed a game of bingo with some tea and biscuits. 

We celebrated a special birthday at Rotherlea, happy birthday Ina!

Rotherlea residents have enjoyed numerous activities recently. They have taken part in bar skittles with Nick, played scrabble, and decorated cup cakes for afternoon tea.

Residents at Rotherlea have been enjoying some aqua art recently. All of the paintings look fabulous. 

Residents after having nails painted, and doing some painting.

Support Worker recognised at the National Shaw Star Awards

Residents decorating biscuits and completing activity packs.

Rotherlea residents took part in a painting session recently, it was great fun. Nova also opening her Christmas presents whilst Pat topped up the bird feeders.

Residents on Tillington opening their Christmas presents.

Here at Rotherlea, we recently celebrated two birthdays. Happy Birthday Vera and Robert!

Residents enjoying Christmas lunch together!

Rotherlea residents opening their Christmas presents on Christmas! One of our residents also went out clothes shopping. 

Rotherlea residents got in the festive spirit and decorated Christmas cup cakes and Christingles!

Residents decorating Christmas wreaths to hang on their bedroom doors.

Thank you Debi for entertaining our residents with some country and western singing. We also enjoyed a painting session!

Residents enjoyed some Christmas activities recently. We played pin the nose on the reindeer, did Christmas activity packs, and students from Petworth Primary School visited the residents to sing carols.

Residents enjoying a festive game of Hoopla!

Residents at Rotherlea have been getting into the festive spirit recently. We have decorated Christmas biscuits and we had our Christmas fayre. Everyone had so much fun!

One of our Rotherlea residents, Geraldine, celebrated her birthday recently. Happy birthday Geraldine! We also had a go at making and decorating our own gingerbread houses. We are now feeling very festive!

Our massive Christmas tree has been decorated! It is looking wonderful. Residents on our ground floor also made Gingerbread houses and did Christmas activity packs.

Lord and Lady Egremont who own The Leconfield Estate (Petworth House) have kindly donated holly and 2 Christmas trees every year. This year, Dan asked if it would be possible to have 1 large tree and now this is Dan putting the tree in place.

Residents at Rotherlea got crafty recently, we made paperchains and decorated wooden tree ornaments. 

Residents have been busy decorating our Christmas trees here at Rotherlea. we are all feeling very Christmassy now!

Residents enjoyed Christmas activities, they made cards and paper chains.

Residents at Rotherlea enjoyed entertainment by Billy Fox. We sang lots of Christmas songs and there was plenty of dancing too!

Residents from Rotherlea enjoyed aqua art and board games.

One of our residents went out for a lovely walk with employee member, the sunset was beautiful. 

Residents playing balloon tennis and doing Mexican activity packs to get in the spirit for Mexican Meal tomorrow!

Residents at Rotherlea enjoyed decorating biscuits. 

Residents enjoying a variety of games

Jodie came to entertain our residents with a sing and a dance. Everybody really enjoyed themselves!

Residents at Rotherlea have been taking part in some fun games recently. We have enjoyed floor darts, skittles, connect 4 and snap!

Residents at Rotherlea enjoyed their Remembrance Day activity packs.

A variety of games being enjoyed by the Residents at Rotherlea

Rotherlea residents really enjoyed a range of different yummy milkshakes! 

Rotherlea residents enjoyed a game of snap recently. 

Rotherlea residents enjoying a picture quiz!

Residents at Rotherlea got arty this afternoon and created mini canvases for their rooms. 

Residents at Rotherlea enjoyed a sing and dance with Elvis. Everyone had so much fun. 

Residents enjoying completing Halloween activity packs and decorating Halloween biscuits. We also celebrated a residents birthday!

Residents at Rotherlea have been getting into the Halloween spirit. We have been enjoying Halloween scratch art, decorating foam pumpkins and masks! 🎃

The residents at Rotherlea had a wonderful American themed meal today which was enjoyed by all.

Residents at Rotherlea enjoying American activity packs.

Rotherlea residents decorating American flag biscuits in preparation for the American themed meal on 26th October.

Residents enjoying a game of Kerplunk!

Michael and his birthday cake. Happy birthday Michael! 🎂

Residents have been decorating cupcakes and playing croquet recently.

Rotherlea residents have been busy recently. They have had a sing along with entertainer Billy Fox, played some games including throwing a ball at a velcro target, peg puzzles, floor darts, skittles, word searches and jigsaws. Evelyn also celebrated her birthday with her birthday cake.

Residents at Rotherlea doing some knitting and colouring.

Residents enjoying colouring and beach ball games.

Residents enjoying the interactive board.

Rotherlea residents recently enjoyed a few activities, including ball games and word searches.

Residents enjoying the interactive white board and Derick playing the piano, he plays very well!

Has your job or someone you knows been affected by the current situation?

Rotherlea are excited as they have been given the opportunity to visit the 'dementia support hub' at Sage House, Tangmere. 

We are looking for people to join our friendly team